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Like all major life changing events, relocating to Denver is a very exciting adventure, but also comes with its stresses. Questions you may be ponding are “where is a good area to move to, where are good schools… etc”. Whilst facts and figures can be a helpful part of the process, the question itself is a very hard one to answer. It is difficult for anyone to say “I think you should live here because ..”. Yes I might like the area but if there is one thing I have learnt along the journey it is that life throws many choices at you, and we all pick something a bit different. “That’s not very helpful” I hear you ask. Well I can arm you with pointers (and the chances you have researched every website under the sun) but like when your gut will tell you you have found ‘the home of your dreams’, the same applies to areas.


I recommend you visit lots of areas in Denver and visit them again before you find ‘the one’. You will be drawn to scenery, the architecture, ‘the vibe’.   The Denver area is beautiful. Downtown Denver is (as many cities) has many old parts but with modern apartments mixed in. Older neighborhoods like Wash Park, Cherry Creek, the Highlands have properties which are over 100 years old, and then you have the sprawling suberbs including Highlands Ranch, Parker, Littleton and Ken Caryl which offer newer homes for modern day living.


So, let’s jump in the car and absorb the area and homes in them. When you feel you are closing in, we can narrow the property search down. Architecture of the home will dictate certain areas, if you want a lot of land, modern lifestyle, family plans? And (fingers crossed) everything else should fit into place. You will make a few hiccups along the way, and hindsight is a beautiful thing, but hopefully with my experience, and your judgement, we can make the start of your adventure a fun and exciting one.

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